Planning to get hold of a timeshare resale but don’t know how does a floating week timeshare work? Or that why it is a much better choice than going for fixed week or points system? Buying a timeshare is not all about getting a hand on topnotch vacation resorts and getaway oases. Not only should you mind what the fine print says, it is also important to choose on what type of arrangement to acquire. Here’s a brief guide to kickstart your search.

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Understanding Timeshare Floating Week
Your initial concern when signing up for a timeshare contract is to choose what program you want out of it. Majority of satisfied timeshare owners share one thing though– floating week. Aptly called by others as “flexi-week”, timeshare floating week ownership is the most flexible arrangement for you to avail. Instead of a particular date or week, floating week allows you to purchase non-specific week just within a particular range of time. Say, you want a week between the beginning of June up until the end of August. The premise is that, instead of just getting a fixed first week of June, you can actually use a full week within the whole summer season. So if you can’t make it in June, you can still avail of a week-long stay in July or even in August.
Floating week timeshare programs are particularly advantageous to individuals who don’t have the luxury of having a scheduled vacation system in place. Instead of being pushed to just a particular week, this arrangement allows one to have more planning options and a more flexible travel itinerary. Simply contact the resort and it will give you specified range of weeks available in their system. The catch, however, is that it’s a first-come first-served basis– and if you’re not quick enough, the best vacation timeline easily depletes due to high demand.
Floating Week vs Fixed Week
If you’re having doubts about going for a floating week, there is still another option available for you to contend– fixed week. Fixed week is usually chosen by individuals who want stability and security in their bookings. It’s arranged on a stipulated week for each year with the same unit size within the same resort. Your week is virtually guaranteed all the time. Simply deposit online or call up the timeshare company agent or the resort representative for your timeshare in advance.
The downside to a fixed week is that, if you can’t make it due to unforeseen circumstances then, you’ll be forfeiting time allotted without compensation. Unless, of course, you are a member of an exchange club or you can find another timeshare owner with the same program willing to trade weeks with you. The upside is that, many resorts offering fixed week programs also have bonus weeks as well as discounted rates. Fixed week is an excellent option for those who love to do things routinely and particularly those who have climate factors to consider.

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Now that you’ve learned how timeshare floating week works and why it’s more flexible than a fixed week program, it’s finally time to take a pick. Keep in mind that both choices have their own advantages and disadvantages. The main gist is for you to see what program applies to your situation best. As always, choosing a timeshare program is a matter of personal choice.
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