To many jetsetters and frequent fliers, owning a Westgate timeshare may seem a boon. The promises being given by expert sales specialists simply are too awesome making signing up for a contract the best route. Only to learn the morning after that such programs are up to no good. Not only is a timeshare account expensive to maintain, it is also legally binding.

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So how to cancel Westgate Timeshare without having to resort to pricey legal means?
- Rescission. Time is of essence when it comes to rescinding a timeshare contract. Aptly called “cooling-off period”, all timeshare contract carries a stipulation allowing owners to rescind or give up a timeshare ownership without any hitch or additional expense. Though the length of time varies from state to state, standard procedure is still in place. Apart from calling Westgate, one must also send a letter of intent to rescind such contract. To make sure that you got tangible evidence, send an email and registered mail which gives you an idea if the mails are being received.
- Cancellation. Unlike rescission, timeshare cancelation can be done even after the stipulated cooling off period. It works via consumer rights violations. You would need to seek out a legal counsel to help reiterate that you’ve been defrauded to enter into a contract. Some timeshare specialists promise the moon and stars just to make you agree. This can be used as a legal ground to cancel your account with Westgate Timeshare.
- Resale. Another way to relinquish a Westgate timeshare ownership is to put it on resale. Online markets offering services for timeshare resale are sprouting nowadays. The best thing to do is find one that’s got a track record for success and accredited by the BBB. Be wary of scammers as they also come in throngs. You may also try eBay and social media when looking for an interested buyer.
- Transfer of Timeshare Deed. A deed transfer is another easy way of canceling a Westgate timeshare. Once transferred, all integrated responsibilities like maintenance fees will also be transferred to the new owner. However, your timeshare account must be completely paid off to quality. Additionally, maintenance fees and other pertinent fees must be up to date for you to qualify.
- Timeshare Donation. Be a good Samaritan for a change. Donating your timeshare account with Westgate resorts can also be an excellent way to get rid of it. Some institutions out there may be happy to welcome such a charitable idea. To qualify, you also need to have paid the timeshare in full as well as up-to-date payment on maintenance fees and other pertinent fees.
Westgate Legacy Program
Running out of ideas on how to cancel Westgate timeshare? Well, you may just be in luck. Westgate Timeshare have a “Legacy Program” to help assist owners wanting to get out of their ownership. It is a sort of buy-back program that helps Westgate owners connect with their respective developer and offer various options for you to effectively transfer or sell a Westgate timeshare account.
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