Looking for a ‘cancel timeshare’ contract sample letter that works? You may have dipped your fingers and toes into a timeshare contract out of sheer impulse backed by a suave-talking salesperson. This momentary lapse of judgment may send you into a panicky mode. Fret-not, like any other contract, a timeshare contract can also be cancelled– and it will all begin writing the right cancellation letter.

Source: golegal.co.za
Crafting A Timeshare Cancellation Letter That Works
Indeed, rescinding a timeshare contract starts with a cancellation letter. This is not your typical gym membership cancellation notice though. A badly written one can only give you more cluster headaches. You want things to be legally and formally written– without being too complex or wordy. Here’s how to do it right.
1. Start with a clear and on-point subject line.
Regardless if sent online or via airmail, a subject line must carry the whole weight of the letter. It must contain the necessary key words or phrase that represent the whole letter’s intent. Try using these subject lines. They’re short but on the dot.
- Timeshare Cancellation Request
- Request to Cancel Timeshare
- Rescind Timeshare Contract
- Cancel Timeshare Contract
2. Start with a strong opening.
Like public speaking, starting off a letter must be succinct enough to let the recipient know what you mean. You can start with “This is to hereby request cancellation of my timeshare contract effective immediately.” Or you may want to go the more diplomatic route — “Requesting immediate cancellation of my timeshare account..” The more direct the opening line is, the better.
3. Indicate all the needed information in the body of the letter.
With all the ruckus, throngs of cancellation letters or emails may have fallen into the timeshare company’s lap. To ensure that the recipient knows what contract and for whom the cancellation will be done, carefully indicate details of the contract. You may do so by using bullet points, such as:
- Name of timeshare
- Account holder
- Order number
- Start of contract
- Validity of contract
Include all necessary information as indicated in the contract. Incomplete information can only stall the cancellation request. The gist of the matter is this– to help the recipient find your timeshare account and get you out of the rut as fast as possible. The more you wait means the more frustrating is the waiting game.
4. Add contact information on how and where to reach you.
Indicate your email address and personal telephone number, preferably your mobile phone. This will guarantee that the recipient know who to respond to when sending a reply. There’s a big chance that the timeshare company representative will give you a call, too. So make sure to indicate what phone number you wished to be reached. Example – “Kindly send all reply to 000xxx000@gmail.com. You may also reach me at ##### for any clarification. For airmail, kindly send to this address (state full address).”
Note: Use an email that best represents you. An email that states your name like say Amanda.Bynes@gmail.com is more reliable than using hotchick01@yahoo.com. As always, be on a “legal” stance when corresponding a timeshare cancellation letter.
5. Once a reply had been received, make sure to ask for a confirmation.
See to it that the timeshare company’s reply clearly state that the contract has been cancelled. Cancellation done in writing must also be replied in writing. Make sure to save it for future reference. Some of these sly timeshare representatives can dupe you into believing that the contract had been cancelled when, in fact, it’s still active.
Does this cancel timeshare contract sample letter tips work for you? The main idea when writing a contract cancellation letter is to be direct and concise with your intention. Steer clear of wordy revelations and emotional drama. Cut to the chase and say it clearly and succinctly. The faster you’re out of the timeshare rut then, the better.
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