Timeshare promises a perfect vacation to all its account holders. It packages the preciousness of vacation and truth be told, many fall prey to such an astounding marketing pitch. It looks different, however, when you’re inside its web of nasty after-sale maintenance costs. When it’s no longer eligible for cancellation or rescission, the best course of action is to put it up for a resale. With so much competition in the market for timeshare resell, finding an extra perk to offer a prospective buyer is a must. Fortunately, you can use accelerated use of timeshare clause among others as a bargaining chip.

Source: pcdn.co
Accelerated Use of Timeshare
Let’s be clear on one thing– this program is not widely known to many timeshare account owners. A direct benefit of Right to Use timeshare programs, this means any account holder have the right to legally use or occupy a property. In timeshare, this means access to property for a specific number of weeks over a specific number of years. Most timeshare accounts, for instance, have a stipulated assigned period or week and this is specifically in accordance to the Right to Use legal clause in a contract.
Accelerated use of timeshare, as the name implies, pertains to the use of accumulated weeks in a shortened period of time. Say, if your right to use program stipulates one-week per year for 10 years. To utilize the accelerated use of timeshare, using two weeks per year for 5 years can also be arranged with the resort or the timeshare management company. And this is the meat of the matter lies– such program can be a magnet of interest for prospective buyers who love having a more flexible and longer vacation time.
Resale Perks
As a timeshare owner gearing for a resale, you can use this as part of your marketing strategy in attracting more interested buyers. Accelerated use of timeshare allows far greater flexibility for everyone in planning longer, more satisfying vacations. It also allows them to budget money as well as time in an efficient and practical manner. This is even more so to individuals who frequently fly either for business or for leisure on areas covered by your timeshare account. With such practical clause in a contract, a timeshare owner can use this as a resale perk making the property more lucrative to prospective buyers.

Source: timeshare-resale-rental.com
It is important to note though that not all timeshare contract stipulates such agreement. While Right to Use is inherent in all contracts, accelerated use of timeshare needs the full nod of the resort and is often, subject to availability. Some clubs, resorts and timeshare management companies have restrictions on accelerated bookings or reservations– and we all know how nasty some customer relations can get when it comes to bookings and inquiries. So, before you go full throttle in marketing a timeshare resale with accelerated use as part of its perks, do make sure to contact your timeshare management company or resort to clarify the program.
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