For years, timeshare sales presentations had been portrayed in a negative light. Reports of potential buyers rescinding their contracts or sending piles of complaint to developers were sky high. Fast-forward today, many timeshare companies have made needed “transformation” to appear consumer-friendly that’s a far cry from the usually disdainful hard-sell pitches. As someone wanting to expand your customer base in terms of timeshare sales, these tried-and-tested tactics are still known for their successful returns.

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Focusing on the benefits and/or advantages. There really is no such thing as an ROI with timeshare on a financial point of view. Such “investment” idea had been a fodder for rescission and consumer rights complaints making timeshare the big bad wolf in everyone’s eyes. Instead, focus on how having a timeshare allow prospects to be prioritized in terms of accommodations at a resort they love anywhere they want annually or bi-annually– for just the fraction of the original price. A side-by-side comparison of hotel expenses vis-a-vis timeshare deeded shares can be a good strategy on this aspect.
Make an appeal to the emotions. Most vacationers have their hearts hanging by the sleeves. Having a good time with people they cherish simply brings insurmountable joy to the heart. While this may seem like one of the frequently mentioned timeshare sales tactics in various horror stories, it’s still inplausible in terms of a sales pitch. Think: testimonials of satisfied timeshare owners spending quality time with loved ones. Striking the emotional side of a buyer isn’t rocket science. Stay sharp on gaining an advantage over prospective buyers’ feelings. It’s a done deal when loved ones are put on the fore.
Push a little harder by creating a sense of scarcity. Think: limited slots. Nothing scares people so much than being on the last place. Like consumer goods, buyers often flock to limited edition pieces than regular ones. Missing out on a perceived good deal can ignite impulsive decisions and put rational thinking on the side. So plnt such perception of having special prices and other promotional aspects not being available in the future and only for a specific timeframe. It never fails.
Pushing a “risk-free” initiative. Buying a property amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars that’s still to be used in the future is a huge risk. It’s life savings we’re talking around here and unless money grow on trees, people will always see such timeshare purchases on a negative light due to the risk they bring to their financial coffers. To make this work for you, try the “risk-free satisfaction-guaranteed” route by placing perceived risks on yourself. Think: legacy programs that offer assistance for resales or perhaps, buy-back programs. Risk reversal may sound nifty, but it does work on many timeshare sales occasions.
Create a positive post-sales tactic. Do not just stop at a hard sales pitch. Many timeshare salesperson tend to just focus on the pre-sale aspect and totally lose out on after-sales. This “disappearing act” tend to put timeshare in a bad light leaving a trail of unhappy consumers. Instead, try to create an open line where buyers can get in touch with you and offer assistance to those with complaints. Even unsatisfied customers can be turned into happy ones when enough attention is given to them. Attention– this is what most prospective buyers want. Give it to them and see how positive reviews (and of course, timeshare sales thereafter!) come pouring in.
Turn apprehension and doubt into a sure sell with these timeshare sales tactics. Sales pitch are supposed to open doors for prospects and such, creating a highly satisfying program to welcome them in should be done in a manner that’s focused on their needs and requirements. Try these tactics the next time you do a hard sales pitch. Make every aspect count.
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