So You want to sell your Wyndham Timeshare? If you are a Wyndham Timeshare owner and have been trying to sell your timeshare, by now you must have realized that selling your timeshare is not easy, specially without paying a high upfront fee.
Before going to the details there is one important factor that you should be mentally prepared with. Know, that the price you will get on selling will definitely be much lower than what you initially invested for the timeshare property.
The next thing to be aware of is about the scammers out there who claim they can sell your points. Do not agree to pay any upfront fees. Many may claim that you do not have to pay upfront fees but then somewhere down the line they will ask you to pay an ” appraisal fee ” or ” docking fee ” or something else.
In order to protect and prevent timeshare resale fraud, some of the biggest timeshare companies including Wyndham have teamed up with ARDA (American Resort Development Association). You can use ARDA coalition for Responsible Exit to guide you about how to get you out of Wyndham timeshare,
Wyndham also offers multiple services that provide trustworthy exit options. For example, Wyndham Cares, is a free program that has representatives that can guide you through the most suitable options for your unique situation.
You can opt for Ovation by Wyndham as a safe exit solution for your Wyndham timeshare as long as you are up-to-date with your dues and loans are paid off.
On the other hand, If you are just looking for a way to get rid of your Wyndham points, use the Bargain Basement timeshares at Redweek and at Tugbbs to place your ads for sale. You will see faster result from the advertisement if you offer to pay the current year’s maintenance fee and all closing costs as an extra incentive.
The other option to sell your Wyndham points without any upfront fees is through eBay. If you choose this route, first go through various properties that are being auctioned through eBay. Especially note how pictures of the property, description, and other visuals are presented for sale. Decide on what feature is most appealing about the property you want to sale and make that a special feature in your eBay listing. To get more interest in your eBay listing, go through eBay auctions to find what’s the ceiling price for timeshare properties that are at par with yours and start from there.
The last option is to engage brokers who do not ask for upfront fees. Yes the timeshare industry is full of rip-offs and swindlers, but there are brokers who can help you to sell your timeshare with no or very little upfront fees.
To know more about this last option, fill in the form at top of this page and submit it. You will be contacted within 24 hours from us.
Did you sell your Wyndham Timeshare through any other options? Why not share your story in the comments below.
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